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Vooriki Bewarse Username: Diwakaram
Post Number: 3651 Registered: 05-2005 Posted From:
| Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2006 - 2:48 am: |    |
Pilla Bewarse Username: Kishorek111
Post Number: 89 Registered: 04-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2006 - 2:45 am: |    |
This is the review by Nag-prince-abhi in IBDB ---------------- " NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A PERSON WHO IS FACING OR HAS FACED FAILURES" This is what I was taught at school as a child and this is what I realised when the special morning at six in the morning concluded at the new Sree ramulu theatre , moosapet , hyderabad. Nandamuri Tarakaramarao, jr. has seen everything in his short stint as a hero, Silverjubliees, blockbusters, average movies, bumper flops, late releases and I must say that he is well ahead of his age while potraying emotions on the screen. He excells at every department in his latest offering ' ASHOK' be it performance, dances, comedy, looks, everything , you name it and he is done it with elan here n this movie. Kudos to N.T.R for delivering a knockout performance. THE YOUNGEST STAR OF OUR GENERATION IS BACK AND BACK WITH A BANG. You might have heard about MOHD. GHAZINI, the sultan who never stopped trying to acheive his dream. Well, I must say in this latest crop of directors , I would call MR. SURENDER REDDY a ghazini for having chased his dream of becoming a director for almost 8 years. very few people will have the courage and determination as him. The same courage and determination help him to break the deadly SECOND FILM SYNDROME for directors. what all do you need in a good commercial film , a decent storyline, excellent screenplay, scenes where heroism is elevated to the sky, good songs, a beautiful heroine, impeccable cinematography, a good interval bang and a grand finale . Well, Ashok has all the above ingrients in it to reach the range of AADI AND SIMHADRI. Pity however that the director DOEN'T COME UP WITH A BETTER CLIMAX. The movie definetely deserved a better finale. ------------------------------------------------ THE STORY.... ------------------------------------------------ good storyline. One of the better storylines you will see for a massa film. ------------------------------------------------ TECHNICAL DETAILS ------------------------------------------------ good scrrenplay and direction by surender reddy make you glued to the seats.however, certain scenes give you a feel of deja vu. superb cinematography by senthil kumar. AITHE, CHATRAPATHI AND NOW ASHOK. This guy is bound to go places and I will be surprised if he does not enter the tollywood hall of fame for excellent cinematography. I feel he will reach the range of cinematographers like P.C.SREERAM, RAVICHANDRAN ETC... good story by vakkantam vamshi....... the specialist editir for action films gautam raju does his part well here once again. MANISHARMA deserves a pat on the back for excellent music and wonderful re recording. stunts by stun shiva are ok. maruduri raja's dialogues are good. ------------------------------------------------- PERFORMANCES ------------------------------------------------ N. T.R excells . no other words to describe his performance. sameera reddy is beatiful and plays her part well in her biggest telugu hit. Prakash raj as father of is good. Rajeev kanakala, my favourite tollywood charecter artiste is wasted here. Sonu sood is ok as the main villian. ------------------------------------------------ MOVIE ANALYSIS........ -------------------------------------------------- - The movie starts of well, and maintains its tempo till interval with a good interval bang. The second half starts of well , then goes in to a slow mode and then again thing pick up before the climax....... however the movie is not without its share of blemishes.... firstly, the climax fight is not great. just an ordinary routine fight and nothing more. care should have been taken here. THE songs are badly placed in the movie. Not even a single song fits exactly in the movie. The songs just pop out of nowhere again the police plays the spectator part in this movie also. Agreed that this is a minor and excusable mistake but a mistake is a mistake... The first half of the movie resembles kalyanram's asadhyudu to an extent......... ------------------------------------------------- MY RATING;;;;;;;;; ------------------------------------------------ AS A REGULAR CINE GOER ----------------------- 3.5/5 ( 0.25 LESS DUE TO THE CLIMAX FIGHT) AS A CRITIC ------------------------------ 3/5 PLUS POINTS -------------------------------------------------- - Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao sameera reddy music and background score cinematography good mass elements ------------------------------------------------- MINUS POINTS ----------------------------------------------- wrong placement of songs. They look forced in the narrative. climax fight. ------------------------------------------------ CENSOR CERTIFICATE --- 'A' ----------------------------------------------- RUNNING TIME ---- almost three hours ----------------------------------------------- KOSAMERUPU........... one gets to see a new N.T.R in this film. no undue referrences to tata, babiah, nanna and no over the top dialogues and no over the roof fights....... I STILL DO NOT UNDERDTAND NANDAMURI HEROES FANTASY OF CUTTUNG HEADS OF PEOPLE IN THEIR MOVIES.........ALMOST EVERYONE DOES IT.. this is the way an n.t.r film is to be made and movies like narasinhudu, alludu which serve no purpose show not be done by n.t.r in the future. SINCERELY HOPING THAT HE DOES IT THIS WAY ALL THE TIME.............................. --- N.P.A -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Nobody dies virgin,Life fucks everyone |