When such thoughts on movies comes into my mind some questions itches my mind on encashing the common man's money with high ticket prices in small towns of AP.
Earlier when this centers and collections mania is not there, some movies used to come to C and D centers off late with low price where a labor and common and middle class people could afford the ticket prices in the range of less than 15 Rs.
Now they started releasing movies in all such theatres paying exrorbent (spell mistake) amounts to prints and trying to release in C and D class centres to cash in the poor, common and labour cine going buffs and students by charging flat rate or first week high rates. This way they are trying earn money from these circles whose income range is not more than 1500 (on an average earnings of 50 Rs per day).
Earlier movies used to release in A and B centers and there people with moderate to high income and daily earning labour may watch movie.
Is it good for people and society? How far this trend will continue? Is there any end to this farce.
One can question Why do the poor man see the movie when one can not afford? and things like that. But the quest of watching the favorite star movie may pull him to theatre and our producers are doing all sorts of tactics to get their attention and make them to watch the movie.