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Desanike Pedda Bewarse Username: Chalam
Post Number: 3310 Registered: 04-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 - 12:25 pm: |    |
complete BS. hollow thinking from the author. 20 years back, you couldnt roam in Hyd without knowing Urdu ? this kind of wrong propaganda is what irks people. >> As Telangana ruled by muslim ruler for more than 150 plus yrs. Before it joined in to India. And these 150 plus yrs. of muslim rulers changed the national fabric 'national' fabric ? boss, this dude is lost and just to make a couple of good points, he is bullshitting all over the place. Telangana was integrated into AP not because of some deep future thinking about muslims creating problems. we had linguistic state creations and majority of ppl in telangana speak telugu. Please ask the author if he even knows what constitutes telangana ? only Hyd ? can anyone invite him over here ? >> North Pakistan ( Kashmir) , South Pakisthan ( Telangana) this is ATROCIOUS. wtf is he talking here ? Muslims NOT = pakistan.
Bewarse ke Bewarse! Username: Proofdada
Post Number: 10106 Registered: 03-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 - 3:21 am: |    |
good one krishna...and lolli whats ur point then.. naluguriki nachinadi naakasalee ika nachaduroo.. |
Kurra Bewarse Username: Lolli
Post Number: 249 Registered: 05-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 5:21 pm: |    |
"maybe some people deny the facts by saying the things according to their convenience...." TK mama, exactly! The same thing applies to the author too, from the completely opposite directions. This whole article is highly analytical, and practical and all that. But the author failed, refused rather, to acknowledge the facts. The whole thing is nothing more than grunts and rants of a stinking rich NRI, whose father, I guess, is harassed by Naxals (During my 24 years of living in Karimnagar, and Warangal districts, I have never seen a single incident where Naxalites demanded money from someone as lowly as a cycle repairer...that story of his is complete B.S). I do not favor a separate state, I agree with the author’s conclusion saying social responsibility and all that crap. All I am saying is, this article is just an intellectual face mask to his bourgeois actual self.
Pilla Bewarse Username: Sree
Post Number: 54 Registered: 08-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 4:21 pm: |    |
Good one.. BTW what is TDF? is it a forum or a site name??? SamaraSimhudi Rajasam Narasimhudi Roudram BrahmaNaidi Pourusham Kalagalipina Vijayendrudu Mana BalayyaBabu |
Bewarse ke Bewarse! Username: Thodakottu
Post Number: 5554 Registered: 03-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 2:18 pm: |    |
excellent one mama.. maybe some people deny the facts by saying the things according to their convenience.... naa mail id Naa YM id thodakottu |
Kurra Bewarse Username: Amar
Post Number: 231 Registered: 03-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 1:51 pm: |    |
I read this article in TDF written by some guy called Krishna. it was an awesome article. Krishna sorry for copying and pasting your article without ur permission. I partuclarly liked the one I highlighted in blue. Why Telangana is backward?. Is it back ward because of being part of Andra Pradesh? There is a common notion that Telangana became backward because it did not get enough attention from rest of Andra Pradesh. ( matter of fact even rayala sema feels the same). But all the discussions of separate telangana is driven by the fact of political gains of few politicians. If you go back and see every time separate telangana agitation picked up is because of this mean politicians to use this issue for political gains. Before I go further : Let me tell bit about my self . I am born and bought up in warangal and my father was running a cycle repair shop . I studied up to intermediate in a govt. schools and colleges . But I did my engineering in Vijaywada( Andra) , so I saw both worlds closely. After finishing my B.Tech. I worked few years in India then moved to Singapore. From Singapore I came to USA and settled here from last ten years. To make long story short I am an entrepreneur and started a software development company in India. Over the course of last 35 plus years of my life I experienced many colors of life from poverty , Caste discrimination ,Political burocrasy . If we go back to 1947 age : Every body comes back to argument that because of Nehru or other leaders stupidity we are merged in to Andra Pradesh?. But any body know what is the rationality of this merger. And what is the positive ness the people of telangana earned by this merger?. I will give similarities of what happened in rest of India . Do you guys know Nagaland, Assam and many of this north eastern states don't have any thing in common with rest of the India. But there is a significant effort had made to bring them in to national stream by giving significant financial benefits to keep them part of the country. The same way Kashmir is Added to India and the Govt. of India made significant efforts in first 15 to 20 yrs to bring them to part of India by developing tourisam and national integrity. As Telangana ruled by muslim ruler for more than 150 plus yrs. Before it joined in to India. And these 150 plus yrs. of muslim rulers changed the national fabric. And we already seeing East Pakistan (Current Bangladesh), West Pakisthan ( Current Pakisthan) , North Pakistan ( Kashmir) , South Pakisthan ( Telangana) . As when Indian govt. occupied Telangana after lot of rational thinking they merged Telangana in to Andra which helped to take off the separatists to minority . For example if you go back to 50 yrs back Hyderabad is a pure muslim dominant city , but now they are limited to one small part of old city also separatist movement pushed back. With the rational of eliminating separatist movements , our great leaders of that time decided to have Andra Pradesh. And in the process Telangana changed quite a bit socially and economically. Even if you go 20 yrs back, you cannot roam around in Hyderabad with out knowing Urdu. But times are changed. What could have happened if Telangana as separate state in 1950 it self. We could have seen one more Kashmir in action, or like one more back ward state like Bihar ( Our communal problems are equally worst like them). Given a chance even the so called socialistic Naxal groups could have controlled the Telangana to wipe out any development process. Don't take it wrong, Telagana had hugh problems of selfish land Lards or greedy booswamies. But that same situation is there in rest of the India or even in the world , but balanced out more effectively by social conscious. But on this name we still encourage Naxals. What they are doing ?. wiping out any little development happens on the name of brining equality?. On the name of brining equality they burn the busses, railway stations, electric systems. But our villages fully support them. Matter of fact it is open secret that current parites won based on their support. History repeats it self. Go back to 15 yrs back NTR did the same excersise of being friendly with Naxals to win govt.. People have very short memory , when NTR came to power he took of the ban on Naxal's, and the misery the people went thru those years are unbearable. They literally looted whole community on the name of equality , my father him self paid his one month earnings for making piece with them. Every business man paid in lakhs for the party , until there is a push back and they pushed back in to forests , the whole economy crumbled. Guys, lets analyse deeply why Telangana is backward?. Very simple question , if any of you guys have say few crores in your bank, are you ready to do a business venture or setup a factory in any rural part of Telangana. Think thru and tell me how many of you will be ready?. If you had a option of setting it up in vijag or vijayawada where do you prefer?. Reason simple and straight, you can not do business in Telangana successfully. How is the growth happens?. There is a normal tendency in not just Telengana, but in whole India that , govt. need to set up factories , dams and need to provide jobs . Is it govt. responsibility ?. From where it will set up , does it have magic wand?. Any body studied developed countries and evolved to their prosperity?. More than govt. the individuals took the social and economic change in to their hands and bought changes in the system. It is not public sector but the Private sector which bought changes in the system. Where we Indian so much inclined to socialistic ideas and expect every thing from Govt.?. I am poor , govt is not doing any thing?. I am broke govt. not doing any thing?. I did my gradutation , but govt. is not providing job?. As govt. is not providing job I have right to loot or brake all govt. property?. We as individual separate our self from govt. and expect govt. to do things?. Even social changes like eliminating the dowry system or caste system need to be done by Govt.?. This list never ends , we know how to complain but don't take responsibility. Especially in Telangana it is worst. If some body looks prospering , we consider him as cheater. Rest of the Andra prospered because of the private sector initiatives . If you take Telangana excluding Hyderabad , tell me how many Private sector companies are started , compare to rest of Andra. The results are alarming. Is Govt. responsible for that?. In telangana you have quite a few public sector companies. Did you guys analyze how they are performing. Except NTPC , all other are sinking and some of the factories like Fertilizer corporation of India Ltd. are closed down. I fortunately met few of the employees of this close down factory , their complains are they are not getting enough remuneration , compensation and govt. broke their lifes ( Govt.fed them for 20 plus years with no productivity) . These guys are doing darna's and strikes , and public is showing sympathy to them. But look in to this company financials , the factory never even productive or showed profits.). The factor is closed or zero production from last ten years, but no body cared especially thousands of employees of this company .But today Govt. is bold to close it down , these guys weep and fight. Is not it social responsibility of same employees to see prosperity of the company on which they are earning livelihood. I see the same lack of responsibility in many other sectors or with in the people. Now coming back to farming or agriculture : I saw not only telangana but in many states of India the emotions of saying we are agriculture centric state and agriculture need to get highest priority. We praise farmer saying "Anna Datha" , but lets put this emotions a side and lets see the statue budgets or financials of any year. You hardly see any earnings comes to state earnings or even country earnings from agriculture either directly or indirectly. Take a survey from all farmers from 1950, how much income tax they paid . Hardly 1% of farmers pay income tax?. And the taxes on the products they sell , you know pretty well how much they are taxed. So where is the money comes to state budget to spend on farmers?. Is not if agriculture is our core , the agriculture need to give biggest revenue in to state ?. On top of it our policy makers make mockery of it by putting popularity schemes like " 2Rs. Kg. Rice. All in all , if Agriculture is future of country , the sector need to take responsibility to improve infrastructure. I can go for many more pages here is my summary: Separate state wont bring prosparity , But social responsibility will make significant difference. If every person Start feeling , how can I be productive and do better? . Then as a state or city every thing will improve. Stop supporting Naxals or any anti social elements. Start Creating social economy and friendly environment for entrepreneur to evolve or industrialists to invest. Consider Agriculture as a industry and the results as any other commercial products. This gives you opportunity to provide insurances on the crops , so farmers wont suside. Stop supporting subsidies and popularity schemes and get real growth from grass roots. Stop accepting lack of responsibility or accountability ( One of my class mater is a teacher in a village and he hardly visit his school once a month to get his paycheck)