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Pilla Bewarse
Username: Baadshah

Post Number: 91
Registered: 11-2012
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Posted on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 4:09 am:   


Stats theliyadhu kaani Lachadu Sachin kanna beter performance chesadu 4'th Innings lo veediki overall centuries thakkuva kadaa, Drawid gurinchi idea ledhu....

lacchi and dravid have only 1 100 in 4th innings. the both average 40 which is 2.5 runs per innings more than sachin's. sachin's recent failure added to sachin's average dipping a little bit, otherwise they all had similar overall records with lacchi having the best record in successful chases followed by sachin.

inkoti viru, lara lati vaallaki inka chetta record 4th innings lo. only 4th innings lo aadithe great player ante world lo greatest player of all time is graeme smith. no one even comes close to him followed by ponting.
ee Baadshah decide aithe war once side aipoddi

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