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Pilla Bewarse
Username: Vkishore

Post Number: 576
Registered: 10-2011
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Posted on Monday, September 09, 2013 - 5:40 pm:   


FREENAS alternatives emanna vunnaya?

Vunnayi mama though will involve some amount of scripting and setup ...7 alternatives to NAS


what is the maximum I/O we can achive using the modern day techology.

General rule of thumb 1 GB ram for 1TB of storage..upper limit emi ledu mama. You can even have 10 TB system with various DISK I/O's.

if the question was about Network capacity and Bandwidth you can move data to and fro to the NAS server 60 Mbps is average and most people suffer from their wired gigabit internet not optimized properly for their NAS server..

120 Mbps lo I/O run chestunna vallu vunnaru....more Ram the better


May be 2 different machines plan cheste better emo.. company danlo bind and ldap kuda add cheskunettu

Yup or else you will have to fiddle around with setting up a virtual machine on the server to do this with one machine....

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