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Celebrity Bewarse
Username: Sachinfan

Post Number: 34604
Registered: 10-2010
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Posted on Monday, September 09, 2013 - 6:00 pm:   


unRaid and windows media server are utter crap among these 7. rest of them looks promising. detailed ga chusta ivala evening.


120 Mbps lo I/O run chestunna vallu vunnaru....more Ram the better

yes ide nakavalsindi. ide max annamata ite.. upload max reach ite chalu naku.. I will throttle the download speed anyway..

Also, home internet ki unlimited anna kuda 200/300GB cap vuntadi anta kada nijame na? na internet verizon fios in virginia. ekkadanna checking cheskovocha online lo, CC ni adagalsinde na?
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