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Kurra Bewarse
Username: Vespa

Post Number: 1008
Registered: 10-2014
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2015 - 12:14 pm:   

Dorling what matters more money or happiness ?

Dorling its a tricky question !

Most people think happiness is having money. But real happiness comes from emotional bonding in the name of love !

A simple happiness could be you sitting in a quiet place by the lake of village and having 2 apples with your dear love ! both holding each others hands and looking into each others eyes.


A simple happiness could be your dorling sitting on your lap and feeding you grapes.

But sadly in the current mad world. Every dick is missing many golden moments of life in the name of globalization

but sadly due to material pleasures which is compounded with money. Hence money overshadows the minds of everyone

If u have more money u can only have some satisfaction but not real happiness. Its already proven money can't buy happiness.

Also more money more complications

Also if u have more money u can only pamper yourself for sometime but not always ………… But deep inside you will not be really happy

So for some people happiness could be leading a simple life with simple job with no much ambitions nor chasing the world.

But for some people happiness could be showoff to others and chasing the world. In this regard they live with more stress.

Hence the importance depends on the individual

For me happiness is something which you like to do something dearly , It could be anything

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