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Bewarse Legend
Username: Musicfan

Post Number: 54339
Registered: 05-2004
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Rating: N/A
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Posted on Sunday, June 14, 2015 - 11:32 am:   

For a moment I thought this was our LBT but this person posted with his id not as anonymous...


Wow ! Great Review man !! I read this one, liked it and went looking through all your reviews. It's so refreshing to read honest and unbiased reviews. When new movies and audios are released, I do something like this, analysis discussion type thing :-) with my friends (I can't resist but to), where I breakdown the song/movies showing the flaws and worth of each thing and mostly end up with them looking at me with lots of hate because I disliked their favorite hero's audio/movie. When I'm listening to a "Not-a-Star" hero's movie album with so much affection because of the sensible lyrics or soothing music, they look at me just shocked and disapproved. Too much of this Favoritism, I feel. It shouldn't make you blind to ignore your favorite star mistakes.

Reading your reviews, I felt happy that someone is out there feeling the same thing about a song that I'm listening to. Keep up the good work.

I wish you'd do Movie Review too. All the Best :-)

Bahubali Audio Review

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