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Censor Bewarse
Username: Prasanth

Post Number: 74192
Registered: 03-2004
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Posted on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 9:57 am:   


lyrics kooda hindi better gaa anipinchindi, telugu kante, Tamil inka inaledu. But aa lyricist ki Tamil lo bagane peru undi, he seems to have written dialogs too..

yes, based on mamta se bhari song i can feel it...i didn't get hindi juke box...even i searched for tamil juke box in youtube..didn't get it...also the tamil song trailer for mamatala talli...

ya madan karki...son of vairamutthu or some body...

aa prabhakar maatlaade kilkili bhasha vocabulary eeyane build chesaadu..ata..too great for an youngster
telugu biDDa (staying in bangalore and from vijayawada)

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