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Kurra Bewarse
Username: Vespa

Post Number: 1138
Registered: 10-2014
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Posted on Friday, July 10, 2015 - 12:28 pm:   

Just now came from benefit show brother

1 thing to say

Don't compare movie with mass masala entertainers, movie is completely a different gender.

I don't want to reveal story now, SSR made all things to make appeal to international audience in story+direction+characterizations+emotions. Movie is a grand canyon of Tollywood which is having good response from allover.

This kind of gender movies can be done like this only, we can't add masala here.

SSR strictly followed story telling to appeal to all audience around the world.

Movie super undi, some may feel routine due to story will be less which is revealed by SSR long back.

1 thing confirmed Movie is hit to super hit avutunfi 1st hollywood movie in tollywood idi

Just enjoy movie i seen megafans crying on movie everywhere ignore them

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