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Kurra Bewarse
Username: Tthanks

Post Number: 2774
Registered: 01-2013
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Posted on Monday, July 13, 2015 - 9:23 am:   

mostly eorju kuda chustha nenu...4th time...inko $40 undi fandago inko 2 times minimum...

after 3 times....CGI work paina opinion maaraledu...majority CGI extraordinary..and few shots are very poor...RM probably would have wanted 1 more month to present a flawless finished product...

Few Water Fall shots...Majority avalanche scenes...last part of war scenes when prabhas was on his way to kill kalakeya...all these scenes lo CGI work assalu baagaledu...

Only change in the opinion is on prabhas....his character and performance is growing on few visits to the bahubali theater will be only for Prabhas....

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