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Bewarse Talk Discussion Board * Archives - 2015 * Cine Talk - Reviews, Gossips, Insider Info etc. * Archive through July 10, 2015 * Fandango OFFERS < Previous Next >

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Celebrity Bewarse
Username: Gaali

Post Number: 43719
Registered: 03-2004
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Posted on Thursday, July 09, 2015 - 11:21 am:    Edit Post Delete Post Print Post
Be Positive!
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Censor Bewarse
Username: Onlymovies

Post Number: 33247
Registered: 01-2009
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Posted on Thursday, July 09, 2015 - 11:18 am:    Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

bump for Gochi
Sound Rakoodadee
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Censor Bewarse
Username: Onlymovies

Post Number: 33238
Registered: 01-2009
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Posted on Thursday, July 09, 2015 - 10:12 am:    Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


$10 off per order

with this offer you can purchase tickets only on Saturday or Sunday for any day ticket.

purchase tickets normally and use promocode 'VISACHECKOUT10' at the end use visa checkout as your payment method. you will get 10 off per account.

***I didn't tried this***

I heard you can use same visa checkout account on multiple fandango account to purchase multiple tickets.

hope that's true
Sound Rakoodadee
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Censor Bewarse
Username: Onlymovies

Post Number: 33237
Registered: 01-2009
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Rating: N/A
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Posted on Thursday, July 09, 2015 - 10:12 am:    Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

offer #1:

Visa signature offer.

using this offer you can get 1 free ticket on FRIDAY (only) per month upto August 21st.

For non chase visa signature - you can purchase on Friday only for any Friday ticket

For chase visa signature - you can purchase on Wed, Thurs, Friday for any Friday ticket.

Steps to purchase
2. you will see offer and enter your visa signature credit card number
3. enter ur ZIP code and purchase tickets normally at the end you will get one free ticket.
use your mobile in step one and at the payment page, select I have promo code link and enter your fandango code.
Even if you pay full amount using promo code, still you need to enter your visa signature card.
Sound Rakoodadee

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