Jagan reddy : one more labor fellow born in telugu community. His face looks like a bathroom cleaner . Vomting voice. its sad that most of the labor dogs or waste fellows who support him or follow him are nothing but a bunch of egocentric fools to believe in his ideas nor in his ideologies. This son of a gun Bolls mohan reddy act as if he only developed hyderabad and he only giving economy to USA. He act like as if he is highly qualified from Stanford or Harvard or Yale. Son of a donkey born to some guy who buy luck or accidentally became a chief minister. Instead of silently doing his job mind his business ......he wants to show his bolls to everyone. For that some useless population in andhra pradesh wants to support him not because they are clever nor educated but because they are poor or religion basis or could be they are jealous of other communities. All these useless basrddss must be thrown out of the country. then only India can develop.