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Kurra Bewarse Username: Lovebewarsetalk
Post Number: 1199 Registered: 08-2014 Posted From:
| Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 - 6:41 am: |
Maasankul, mixing up Kubang's and Rao Gari's responses to give mine: Good one, intha pedda article ainaa baagundhi...
Bewarse Legend Username: Musicfan
Post Number: 51887 Registered: 05-2004 Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, February 16, 2015 - 10:13 pm: |
inta pedda article aa,, aina bagundi, Dagudumuta Dandakor Audio Review
Mudiripoyina Bewarse Username: Kubang
Post Number: 10160 Registered: 09-2011 Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, February 16, 2015 - 9:57 pm: |
Good one Ignorance is bliss
Bewarse Legend Username: Andhramass
Post Number: 55196 Registered: 07-2006 Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, February 16, 2015 - 9:22 pm: |
People don’t buy fairness creams because it makes them fair. People buy fairness creams because they are emotional and would like to give those blessed creams a try; even when some can’t afford the extra expense. Here are some of my favourite lines from many posts in the past: “An aide remarks in very harsh terms: “…Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand”. To which the President responds: “We've had presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference”. Delhijans have decided to drink the sand. Still, 67-3 is a thrashing. 67-3 is like Germany thrashing Brazil 7-1 in the last World Cup. It is a thrashing that you cannot explain by absence of Neymar. It is a thrashing that BJP cannot explain by nonsense of vote-share or margins of defeats or anything. Vote-shares are mere statistics. What counts in a democracy is how many seats. And just as 7-1 doesn’t diminish Brazil as a football-powerhouse, Delhi’s 67-3 does not diminish Modi as a power-house. Only the media would like you to believe that. That’s the way it is. For the record, nobody got it right. Not the pollsters, not the pundits, not the whining panellists of G37. Even Arvind Kejriwal did not get it right. He didn’t expect people would vote like this. Delhi didn’t vote AAP merely because of foolish promises. People don’t vote sitting around analysing manifestos which the media so slavishly demands. Delhi wasn’t merely a pro-AAP vote. It was a very strong anti-BJP vote. There is something Narendra Modi & Co have forgotten. The idea about development speeches fail when the Delhi Municipality does have BJP in charge. Not just in these elections, even in the past Delhi elections the BJP has come across as a party with indifference towards Delhi. Mind you, unlike Sheila Dikshit there isn’t really an anti-corruption campaign against Modi. Modi has forgotten what he learned in Gujarat. Development has two faces – One that is VISIBLE and one that is EXPERIENCED. I have explained this in Gujarat Breaking Rules. Most people don’t give a damn about macro-economics except maybe Shobha De and her erotic outbreaks for that Raghu Rajan of RBI. People live their lives in micro and the emotions of their daily grind. In the LS campaign Modi said people don’t just want to throw out Congress but they want to punish the corrupt. Who have you punished? Modi and some of his stupid Cabinet ministers have been behaving like “Goody two shoes”. All that Modi has been doing is sucking up and trying to be goody two shoes as are his stupid ministers and CMs. After winning Maharashtra, Devendra Phadnavis was on a TV-yatra trying to act like Deepika Padukone. Such CMs don’t even know what voted them to power in the first place. Phadnavis cannot claim to be a Bachchan in campaign and act like an item-girl after winning elections. This is precisely the problem with media-sickos of BJP; prominent among them being Arun Jaitley. Swach Bharat is a good campaign but it is certainly not something that is an election campaign. Modi even invited perceived anti-Hindu morons like Tharoor and Aamir Khan to this campaign. You forgot who voted you. You forgot people didn’t vote you to be another half-baked Obama. It will end up as much a hogwash as the campaign about family planning. Nobody gives a damn about population anymore and Modi even flaunts it wrongly as an asset. Delhijans don’t really suffer so many problems as people in other cities. They whine a lot though. But in eight months of time the Modi Sarkar thought a few speeches by him or Amit Shah can sustain electoral successes. The BJP unit in Delhi is run by sickos and not by people with courage. The LKA-Jaitley clique in Delhi was why they lost 2004 and 2009 and the BJP folks still don’t learn anything. Here is what I wrote about this particular media-guy Jaitley in Goody two shoes: “The time for BJP’s ministers and its members to compare their actions or statements on issues with the Congress is over. Congress is the lowest standard of politics and country-management besides being anti-Hindu, a terror-sympathiser and genetically corrupt. And changes need tough decisions. People would be more willing to swallow bitter pills in the first year of a new govt than in the last year. But it seems that everyone from Modi to the last motley minister in the new govt just wants to be “nice”. Or maybe they want to “appear” to be nice to everyone… it is okay to be cordial and courteous with politicians across the spectrum. After all politicians are a community and need not be enemies. But you cannot frequently sleep with those you should be prosecuting and claim you are bringing change. In particular, politicians cannot be bedmates of media crooks and vice versa. Any journalist who is in bed with politicians is clearly the public’s worst enemy. All the top media celebs have enriched themselves by sleeping with politicians and the establishment… If there are BJP ministers or party members blabbering some nonsense every week then there are ministers who go one step further. Arun Jaitley is in some event or forum almost every week. He went on a TV Yatra with his Black Money crap. He then attends a show with P Chidambaram, the guy Jaitley should be prosecuting for various offences (with his son Karthi PC). PC is known as the “friend, father and philosopher” of black money. That’s the company Jaitley keeps. What is the message you’re sending to people? Not just that, he launches a book by a scumbag” You cannot be sleeping with the Barkhas of the media and hope to wake up with your supporters. Even if Arun Jaitley is your man-Friday he is a rejected misfit by people. Get a new pair of undies. It is the cult of people like Jaitley that has destroyed the BJP unit in Delhi. They have no clue of the micro issues of people while the Jaitley types grandly lecture on macro issues. Every week this flamboyant mouth is at some event lecturing the country when he is not doing another interview with Lady Botch. Imagine, it is over a month since the JK elections were over and still the BJP heads don’t know what to do. You either form a govt, a coalition, outside support to someone or decide to sit in the Opposition. What is taking you so long? The JK governor set a deadline of January 19 to form a govt. You did not meet that deadline! And you did the same nonsense with Delhi too. When the iron was hot in Delhi the BJP was searching for a hammer in the media even when its senior leaders knew the media is predominantly Commie and anti-BJP. “A horse, a horse… a kingdom for my horse… I haven’t had a win in six months”. The Commies and their media foot-soldiers are willing to sell the whole kingdom just to get a horse. They were thirsting for blood and revenge after the thrashings in the last six months. Their cup is running over and they feel delighted they found their horse. AK was their horse because their earlier corrupt bosses Congress had no chance. Even AK was finished but it’s the BJP that breathed life back in to him by sacrificing their core agenda and core voters. AAP was mauled during the LS elections and knew it had no chance anywhere. Its survival was only possible because the BJP bosses neglected Delhi and were consistently indifferent to issues of Delhi. The media that hates Modi and the BJP played up every soundbite of AK and helped him play Meena Kumari every time he was attacked by the BJP. And then this same clique of Delhi-Jaitley gets a spluttering, stammering, blabbering Kiran Bedi as their CM candidate. The “coup” runs over. A candidate who cannot utter one sentence without blabbering is what you offered Delhi? For a ruling party that is in charge in many states and the Centre you couldn’t produce your own leader? I have said many times on SM that Kiran Bedi is a farcical fence-sitter who doesn’t inspire trust. She is nothing more than a happy G37 panellist and as ignorant as any other G37 panellist on politics. She too behaved like Jaitley, Gadkari or Phadnavis. Immediately on her selection as CM candidate she went on a TV-yatra and blabbered as only she possibly could. As the election neared she was talking more like a school-girl than a seasoned politician. That’s not all; they also brought in worn-out politicians like Shazia Ilmi, Vinod Binny and Krishna Tirath from other parties. AK learned from his past mistakes but the BJP helped him by their indifference and arrogance. There is an irony in the Delhi elections that the media will not tell you. AK and AAP claim to be fighting corruption but it is ironically the corrupt establishment and corrupt media of Delhi who extended phenomenal help to him to win because they want status-quo and continue their corrupt ways. This is one gift that BJP should be happy about because AK now owns the responsibility of cleaning up some more corrupt Babus in Delhi. As for the Centre, they too must weed out more corrupt Babus who are predominantly Congress doormats. Modi has also started down-playing Hindutva which is exactly what the media and Commies want. The IT dept has recently sent notices to 50 fraudulent entities on bogus funding. What was Jaitley doing all these months? The media is currently happy to project the Delhi-rage as a national verdict on the BJP govt. This is their nonsensical wishful orgasm. A vast corrupt establishment that is entrenched in Delhi is still made up of Congress doormats, add corrupt media entrenched in Delhi, Muslim and Christian fatwas, Congress campaigning more to support AAP than itself, maybe anti-India foreign “entities” too – that is a concoction possible only in Delhi. Recently the SC ruled against a Muslim man claiming a right to a second wife against govt rules. This is a chance for Modi to open up debate on UCC and make UCC a reality. Religious nonsense cannot supersede civil and national laws. There is another case where a Catholic Ecclesiastical Court demanded supremacy over our civil laws. Why do such religious courts even exist? A Padre arbitrating a family dispute is one thing but they now want powers to decide on divorce and marriage laws? The SC rightly trashed this Catholic court and GOI must define the limits of roles of such religious courts (and maybe make them illegal) even the clout of personal law boards that interfere with National laws. Then there is the issue of “GharWapsi” and conversion. Here too the BJP must show the courage to ban conversions and ban cow slaughter. Such acts support the Constitution. I have long called Delhi govt nothing more than a “Senior Municipality” and losing it so badly is a small price to pay to learn a big lesson. There are many good things that the BJP GOI has done in a short time. The media or others are not going to publicise it. For instance, now each time an employee’s PF is deposited by the employer the employee gets an SMS message. There are many other similar actions. People also want changes that are VISIBLE on the ground. GDP growth, economic indicators are not always visible to the ordinary man and nor is he tracking such things. Set up special courts to prosecute corrupt politicians and speed up cases. Marans, Rajas and Gandhis are all darlings of the media and our courts are classy in burying cases for decades. Why is it that BJP is not speeding up the National Herald case against the Chinese-Gandhis? Looks like they are not even interested in punishing the corrupt! If you cannot keep your promises on these issues then how exactly are you different from Congress? This is the question Modi and Shah must answer. Modi must assert his authority over the “Delhi Belly” of BJP. Most of all, the BJP must start changing public discourse. 60+ years of Commie nonsense has dominated Indian public discourse. Our corrupt Commie media is built on this nonsense and their anti-BJP, anti-Hindu propaganda is no stranger. Stop feeding this criminal media with soundbites and participating in bogus debates. It is sick to find BJP spokies turning every night on the most stupid debates that are not even called for. You cannot change public discourse by participating in the same nonsense that defeated your opponents in the past. Use regular press briefings. Make them weekly or bi-weekly. Demand that certain issues be debated and avoid appearing on debates that are uncalled for. A sound media strategy needs to be evolved but instead the BJP leaders only seem to want to suck up to corrupt media editors and sell fairness creams. No party is obligated to participate in stupid debates. The nightly TV debates are themselves a sick, perverted trick to target BJP. The party bosses don’t seem to learn. As for AAP, the Centre is not obligated to fund them in their frivolous promises – be it free WIFI or 12 lakh CCTVs. AAP has the mandate and they must find ways to raise their money from Delhi to fund their promises. Tall promises by Aaptards were made in the comfort that they can blame the BJP GOI for not helping them. Proactive actions against nonsensical, non-viable promises need to be regularly taken to educate the public. At the same time BJP GOI must not thwart their good actions by hurdles. This foolish nonsense of Centre must fund AAP's Commie freebie-land will now be a constant rant to watch out for: There are many who are offering or hanging on to conspiracy theories of “internal sabotage” by BJP leading to its thrashing in Delhi. These aren’t worth dealing with. If anything, BJP must see Delhi results as a “hitch” in time. Delhi is not India. A hitch in time might save nine. anni dananallo Annadanam Minna lal salam