Pilla Bewarse Username: Problem
Post Number: 386 Registered: 04-2016 Posted From:
| Posted on Thursday, December 08, 2016 - 11:12 am: |
DORLING..What's your take on KARMA - SPIRITUALISM - BUDDHISM Wen all human beings are born with same anatomy of body ! only the words that separate the thinking Karma - Since we are hindu & indians we are closely associated to the above words ! imagine u are born in ireland or denmark to hell with the above words ! Karma - is only used by us wen we face real problems and with poverty or if life does something unfair to our lives ! imagine if u are venkatesh or nagarjuna cousin leading a busy life in their studios ! I dont think so u shall be thinking more about such words. No one knows wat is life beyond death ! its just that every since humans are very expressive emotionally ! they use the word karma to express ! We really dont know what exactly is karma or the depth of karma ! Because not every one knows the roots of Bhagvat gita (I have really know abt it nor read it ) all it know its like bible of Hindu ! Spiritualism I really hate this and i find it boring ! I really dont know what exactly is spiritualism except the fact its soul searching ! Imagine if u have a simple decent life ! with a loveable girlfriend or wife with a nice house and nice car and other basic essentials of life ! Wen have all such do u really need spiritualism ? Since india is made up with so many waste population (Idilic population with weak backgrounds and weak minds) Jus look at japanese how busy they will be working ! So much pre occupied minds ! In india u have all the waste population which dont have much contribution to the society nor to the world ! Hence for such idiots spirituality is just an escapism ! Some idiots made it commercial in the name of commerce !honestly if a guy have good goal or aim won’t think about it much ! However having said all this ! Everyone life cannot be same ! May sometimes because of negative fate in life we may surrender to spiritualism Dorling..Whats your take on BEING ALONE AND BEING UNTOUCHED WIH REALTIONS A) I strongly believe nothing great than having a soulmate or companionship in the name of girlfriend or wife ! Since people are dying with greed and wicked minds the greatest fact or importance of soulmate and companionship is over looked or over ruled ! Its sad the our minds are random with so many thoughts due to negative energies we are surrounded wit ! I think the future is filled with loneliness and distance between human bonding ! Sometimes dont know where the world is going ! Its ok to be lonely but not good for long ! One day u may go mad or get bored of self ! hence u need to balance ur relationships with your family or gf or wife or friends ! Friends are really greatest gift from GOD ! |