Yavvanam Kaatesina Bewarse Username: Penkonda_tiger
Post Number: 9642 Registered: 06-2005 Posted From:
| Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 8:51 pm: |
Express unkaal , my fibres extraction plant in India is in full swing and our bio-degradable production in NL is also going good. We have tons of waste with C5 and C6 sugars in India. I am exploring native yeast based Bio-reactor solutions for Ethanol production as I already have a retail market for Bio-Fuels in Bangalore . I know Finland is a pioneer in this area of Bio-reactors , can you please explore. I will call on monday . I am in India for 5 days ..  kanapade nijam: Good manners , kanapadanidhi: abusive language